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Providing Cost Allocation Plans and

Related Services Nationwide

We deliver results. As promised.


a non CPA firm



CAPITAL ACCOUNTING PARTNERS was founded by Nicolie Lettini to offer all agencies an alternative to assist with the preparation of OMB A-87 (now 2 CFR Part 200) cost allocation plans, ICRPs, full cost allocation plans, rate studies and user fee studies.


CAP utilizes a cloud-based cost allocation software developed by our team, in partnership with CostTree®, to help prepare all cost allocation plans and ICRPs.


For more information on how CAP can help your organization with cost allocation requirements, please contact us today using our online information request form or by calling 916-670-0001.


Thank you for visiting, and we look forward to working with you,





Nicky and Your Capital Accounting Partners Team





"She has excelled in her ability to work directly with a variety of county staff. Over the past seven years of specialized services to our County, she has become a highly respected and professional member of our team."


Larry Chapin

Assistant Auditor

County of San Benito

"Nicky has been instrumental in developing a better cost plan for the City. She is always professional and responsive, consistently meets our desired deadlines, and is committed to providing a quality cost plan."


Jennifer K. Becker

Deputy Financial Services Director

City of Burbank

"She consistently delivers a high-quality work product in a timely manner, no matter what challenges we face in the process."


Michael W. Pease

Budget Manager

City of Santa Barbara

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